
This Morning...

I tried a new photography technique called Free-lensing. You just detach the lens from your camera, tilt the lens until you get an area focused, and shoot (you'll need to manually set your shutter speed and f-stop first). I like how the focus turned out in this photo.
xo Abby


Wool Dyeing #1

Dyeing started when as a younger self I dyed wool in a microwave with Kool-Aid. While in high school I became more interested in dyeing and discovered a workshop taught by fiber dying expert Carol Soderlund. During her week long class I learned so much, more than I could have imagined. The other day I started dyeing again and I'm really enjoying it. During the class we created a huge book of colors and dye formulas. It's the most incredible dyers tool. I'm working on creating a second one for wool dyes. I love dyeing wool fabric. Sometimes I get more excited about the materials themselves than the potential project. :)
xo Abby