

I've been playing with acrylic craft paints lately. They are great for design work and tons of fun to use! They come in lots of different colors so there is little mixing. It's fun to see all that color lined up in a box. I've done very little with paints in the past and I'm really enjoying them now. So much color!

The inspiration for this painting came out of a fantastic book about Russian printed textiles. I checked it out of the library, kept it way past when it was due back, and have now ordered it. The book is full of beautiful pictures of prints, one of which caught my attention right away. I loved the flowers in this one print so I redesigned them into a painting. I first used pen and markers to arrange and design and then switched to the acrylics. I'm not sure if the painting will simply hang and add color in our almost completed studio or continue to be developed, maybe into a fabric design? 
xo Abby

1 comment:

  1. Abby, this painting is so full of JOY! It makes me want to dance in the rain!!!!!!
    Luv, Aunt Collette
